You would think the anti-Christmas crowd would wait until there’s frost on the pumpkin patch before pillaging and plundering our long-cherished yuletide traditions.
But the Freedom From Religion Foundation has been chomping at the bit to bully those who celebrate the birth of Jesus.

In recent days they’ve filed a federal lawsuit demanding an Indiana school district yank a living nativity from a Christmas production and they successfully forced an Oregon school district to ban choirs from performing at a Catholic shrine.
By way of introduction, the FFRF is a bunch of perpetually offended atheists, agnostics and free-thinkers that hasn’t met a lawsuit they couldn’t file. And they become especially grumpy Grinches at Christmastime.
On Wednesday they filed a federal lawsuit against Concord Community Schools in Elkhart, Ind. on behalf of an unnamed student who happens to be a performer in the district’s Christmas Spectacular.
The FFRF is demanding an injunction that would forbid the school from “presenting the portion of the Christmas Spectacular with the live Nativity Scene and the telling of the story of the birth of Jesus.”
Yes, friends—the FFRF wants to silence the Christmas story.
“It is illegal for a public school to endorse religion to students by organizing a religious performance, such as acting out the exclusively Christian legend of Jesus’ birth,” FFRF attorney Sam Grover wrote in a Sept. 8 letter to the school district. “Centering the high school’s holiday concert around the nativity is illegal even if participation in the nativity scene is necessary.”
Unlike many educators, the Concord School Board decided to stand up to the out-of-town bullies and refused to comply.
“For more than 30 years, the Spectacular has been an important part of the Concord High School holiday experience,” Superintendent John Trout told the Elkhart Truth. “It will continue to be so.”
Finally! A school district willing to tell the Freedom From Religion Foundation to go jingle their bells somewhere else.
Hence, the lawsuit.
“Concord Community Schools cannot host a celebration of the Christmas holiday in a religious context, rather than a secular celebration,” Grover wrote.
The lawsuit was filled with all sorts of damning evidence—including accusations the young people sang songs like, “Joy to the World” and “Silent Night.” Their investigation uncovered appearances by the Virgin Mary, shepherds and other “biblical figures.”
Their breathless documentation of the living nativity would make the toes curl on any godless atheist or free-thinker.
“No other faith than the Christian faith has ever been represented in performances staged at the Christmas Spectacular,” the lawsuit states.
Well, that’s because Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus. …
My apologies, good readers. I didn’t mean to lose my cool—but I’m dealing with some rather unpleasant folks.
Thousands of people have rushed to the school district’s defense—urging them to fight the Wisconsin bullies.
Robyn Chiddister launched a Facebook page to muster support for the longtime holiday tradition.
“I can’t believe that one individual can take away something so precious to so many,” she told me. “I’m so proud of our school system for standing up to the Freedom From Religion Foundation.”
Sadly, that wasn’t the case in Portland, Oregon—where public school choirs have been banned from performing at a Catholic shrine called The Grotto.
The school district, fearing an FFRF lawsuit, decided it was best to end a longtime tradition of singing at the Grotto’s Christmas Festival of Lights.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has waged a relentless campaign of fear and intimidation against schools across America. And these godless bullies will not stop until they’ve eradicated Christianity from the public marketplace.

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