I'm Content Being Alone- Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey loves being in her own company and says she feels ''recharged'' after taking time out alone.
Oprah Winfrey 'recharges' by being alone. The 60-year-old talk show host - who has been in a relationship with author and speaker Stedman Graham since 1986 - is always content to be on her own and never worried about not having other people to do things with, Times Live reports.
She said: ''[My best friend] Gayle [King] will tell you, Stedman will tell you that I am really happy being with myself and my thoughts.

Gayle will say, ''What are you doing? Are you being alone
with your thoughts? ''I really get recharged from being alone. I spend a lot of time - I mean Stedman's on the road a lot so I spend a lot of time with myself and the dogs and I really enjoy that because I never feel like, 'Oh gee, I don't have anybody to do anything with or..' and I spend more time alone than anybody would even imagine.''
And when she is home alone, Oprah doesn't even need the background noise of her TV to keep her company. Her friend Gayle said: She could live in a house and never turn on a TV.

I can't imagine but it's true. ''I've been to her house sometimes and she doesn't even know how to turn on the TV, like 'Where is the remote?' She's just not one of these people that's a big TV watcher.
So she's not -- it's not something that she's just saying. It's true.'' However, the Butler actress insists she couldn't live without her beloved books.
Speaking on Piers Morgan Live, she said: ''Now, I'm content being alone but if you put me alone and they were no books around and there was no way to have any kind of, you know, engagement with the outside world through books that would be a very sad situation.''

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